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Ariistotle is a decentralized platform that allows anyone to turn their assets into digital tokens that can be traded on our Peer-to-Peer Network. Our mission starts with improving the real estate industry by delivering more liquidity, transparency, and security to anyone willing to trade their real estate assets. 

The technology is based on blockchain, which offers us a number of benefits, including transparency and security. Our peer-to-peer network works like an online marketplace where anyone can buy, sell, and trade assets – starting with the real estate industry and later expanding to stocks or even minerals such as gold and silver. 

People with valid permanent residence proof of countries in Great Britain can start trading with a quick and secure KYC verification of identities. Traders have to show permanent residence documents that are accepted by their respective countries.

Citizens from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland can start trading as Ariistotle asset marketplace launches.

As the network continues to grow, our platform will open more and more opportunities for investors and realtors to trade their assets, and we will be able to reach out to a broad range of buyers and sellers.

As a starting point, we are making it much easier than ever for investors to purchase specific real estate and own a piece of it, for realtors to sell their own assets and make more money, and for both groups to partner with each other to bring buyers and sellers together in this new era. In the future, we will launch all major asset types such a stocks and mineral bases investment assets.

No. Every asset token listed on our platform gets sold through Ariistotle’s Smart Contract and is owned by a separate Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The Token holders then own the digital share of this SPV.

We are starting with real estate assets like residential, commercial and distressed properties.

A Distressed Property is a place which has a lot of potential but needs urgent refurbishment. The owner of such property tokenizes this on our platform to raise the capital for refurbishment and then either distribute the RoI to the token holders by either selling off the property or by rental income.

The AriistotleToken is not an asset in the traditional sense, but more of a currency in our open market. It is a proprietary currency used to value each property on Ariistotle. Each Token is associated with an asset hold the ownership details and other important information which makes it enforceable and legal. AriistotleToken can be converted to other currencies using any top-tier decentralized, peer-to-peer crypto exchange platform.

There are several ways to represent assets on the blockchain. The most popular is converting physical assets using the ERC-20 token standard. This standard defines a set of rules for issuing new tokens and allowing them to be traded on an exchange. These rules include details on transferring of ownership, the value to is transferred, what is transferred, and other custom categories if created.

In general, there is a legal piece of contract stating names of party, subject of transfer, value at it is transferred at and ownership transfer. Similarly in decentralized blockchain, a token holds this information. As a blockchain is immutable and hack-proof, there is no question of authenticity and thus makes it legal when used in applications such as decentralized real estate trading. So if you hold a token that holds physical real estate ownership, you basically are holding that property’s deed.

  • Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of converting an off-chain asset onto a blockchain and represent it on “on-chain”. Depending on the blockchain and region of physical assets, it goes through various legal verification processes and authentication of past information takes place before putting it on the chain and thus finally completing the tokenization process.

Each asset class is different and hence the number of tokens issued and their prices can vary. But we are aiming to have a minimum price of £1000 per token depending on the asset to make it accessible to entry class investors.

  • Sign Up/In

Enter the asked personal details (Name, Email, Mobile, Password) and if you are an accredited investor then the email associated to verify your credentials.

  • Upload KYC Documents.

Start with submitting one of your valid photo IDs of the residing country. Then take a selfie and add the blockchain wallet address for your user account.

  • KYC Verification

Our third-party KYC verification partner will check the photo ID submitted crossed with the selfie and should not take more than 3 hours to enable asset trading.

  • Buy Asset Tokens

After KYC, you will be able to access full platform features such as enabled asset trading. Start investing in real estate, own residential, commercial and distressed assets.

  • Connect MetaMask Wallet and Store Tokens

By default we have MetaMask integration to the platform, connect it with your Ariistotle user profile and access the bought assets in form of the token over your MeteMask wallet.

  • Get paid on return on investment

Profit generated by assets will automatically be received on the investor’s wallet and in the case of shared tokens assets, profits will be distributed respectively manually.

By linking your profile on MetaMask, all the profit and revenue can be received on your wallet directly. In the case of rental real estate assets, you will receive rent on your designated wallet.

Absolutely, Ariistotle’s token holds value in all exchanges. As soon as you dilute your investment and receive our Token it can be swapped, exchanged, and sold on all major crypto exchange platforms.

In case of this, all the assets under Ariistotle will remain intact with no loss of any valuation of the assets, it will go under a new management entity.

Ariistotle is using the Ethereum blockchain

With more than a decade of real estate investor’s team backing Ariistotle, all the assets onboarded on the marketplace are handpicked with the high potential of not just single but multiple scopes of investment opportunities. Properties range from commercial, residential, and also opportunities to invest in distressed properties.

Ariistotle procures local companies which provide umbrella real estate maintenance services for the whole city in which asset is procured, and they are caretakers of that property for any repair, maintenance, or cleaning up before and after someone moves in or out.

Ariistotle itself is focused completely on increasing asset types in inventory while the third party hired for property maintenance is responsible for rent collection. The token holders only receive the amount when tenants pay and in the case where tenants do not pay, the property managers also do not get paid. As the managers are caretakers and they earn their revenue after the payments are received, not before, they keep everything in check and make sure payments are never missed.

A crypto wallet is the entry point of the user into the world of crypto trading. Through the crypto wallet, a user on a blockchain-based environment can convert fiat funds into crypto, swap cryptos with other cryptocurrencies, and start trading. Ariistotle integrates with MetaMask Wallet which is the most reliable and trusted crypto wallet of the current time.

In order to receive profits in cryptocurrencies, you need a wallet integrated with MetaMask. With that integration, you get your wallet address which then you provide to us, and we using smart contracts automates all the payments. The main reason for getting a crypto wallet in the process is to eliminate the intermediaries that make whole real estate trading online slow and full of hassle.

Creating a MetaMask wallet is very easy, just install MetaMask from your browser and follow the shown instruction. The main thing to remember is to store the wallet address and password created carefully, once lost, there is no way to recover a crypto wallet password.